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Friday, November 14, 2008

Aniston Watch: Did Jen Rock Your World?

Thu., Nov. 13, 2008 8:30 PM PST by EOL Staff
Jennifer Aniston had a busy week.
There she was in Vogue saying Angelina Jolie had been "uncool," chatting with Oprah Winfrey about saying that Angelina had been uncool and appearing on 30 Rock, which doesn't immediately allow us to find a way to link her and Angelina together.

Which is kind of uncool.

But her turn as a Tina Fey's crazy friend (and Alec Baldwin's crazier lover) was very cool, and it helped turn this into one of the show's best episodes. Plus, the night featured a reunion with some other NBC friends…though not ones you might have expected

1 comment:

  1. Aniston reacts to the words/actions of her ex's with admirable composure; after recent events i'm gonna give her a lot more benefit of the doubt
